Thursday, January 04, 2007
Why I don't like blogs all that much
Blogs encourage you to leave your ideas as they are right after you post them. That's not the way you can write something good. In fact I leave most of my ideas before I even post them because I don't consider my blog to be a suitable place to work on them.
I like wikis for the way they enable you to keep the stuff you're working on at hand and available to others. Still, wikis have some way to go for them to be able to replace blogs; some features, like proper aggregation and river-of-news presentation could be borrowed from blogs, others, like distributed workflow, should be designed and implemented almost from the ground up.
What I'd like to see in a couple of years is a wiki/blog engine, where I could work on my ideas, revisiting them over and over, and people could browse through them like in an ordinary wiki, but also get proper syndication of important changes.